Useful yarn bombing

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It's amazing how knitting can spark creativity. Take knit bombing (a.k.a. knitting graffiti a.k.a guerrilla knitting) for example - beautiful knitted creations, many of which can easily be called works of art and are good enough to be displayed in best textile collections. The #1 on my list of favorites is the cob webbed tree (see the picture on the left).

It's astonishing and inspiring. True work of art in every sense of the word.

But then I think often yarn bombing deviates from the concept it originated from - being useful (remember the door knob cozy made by  Magda Sayeg?). So why not make our houses and cities more beautiful AND cozy. Imagine a cold winter day and think about how our knitting (and crochet) can make it warmer:

1. Door knobs. When it's freezing, opening a door from outside can be an unpleasant experience unless you wear mittens. Warm door knobs can add a smile or two, especially if they are bright.

2. Mailboxes. Your mailman / mail lady would definitely appreciate your knitting if you dress your metal mailbox in a warm cosy. You will also benefit from it when you check your mail :-)

3. Blanket for roses. Do you cover your rose bushes for winter? Make nice knitted blankets for them. They will add decoration to your front yard / back yard and protect roses from frost.

There's another bonus for this type of yarn bombing - as you are working on your property you won't have to worry about violating rules or being caught by the police.

And don't forget lots of compliments from your neighbors :-)

Happy knitting!
