What do we usually knit at the end of winter? Mostly some lacy spring summer knits. Though sometimes we need to make a quick hat, scarf or a pair of mittens to substitute the ones you or your loved ones lost or misplaced.
Here are several simple (but not plain) stitch patterns for quick weekend projects. They won't keep you away from your lacy wonder forever :-)

Cast on a multiple of 2 stitches. Add 2 selvage stitches if you want to make a nice-looking edge.
Row 1 (right side) Color A: *knit 1 st, purl 1 st*, repeat from * to * as necessary.
Row 2 (wrong side) Color B: *knit 1 st, purl 1 st*, repeat from * to * as necessary.
If you are knitting a flat piece you will need to slide all stitches to the other side of your circular needles in every other row starting with row 3.
Repeat rows 1-2 as necessary for completing your project.
You can also work according to the chart
This is a simple pattern but one tricky stitch gives it unusual look and interesting texture.
Row 1 (right side): *p2, k1, p2*, repeat from * to * to end
Row 2 (wrong side): *k2, p1, k2*, repeat from * to * to end
Row 3 (right side) : *p2, knit 1 stitch, then make 2 yarn overs (wrap the yarn twice around the needle), p2, repeat from * to * to end
Row 4 (wrong side) : *k2, discard 2 yarn overs and purl 1 stitch, k2*, repeat from * to * to end
Row 5 (right side) : work as row 1
Row 6 (wrong side) : work as row 2.
Repeat rows 1-6 as necessary for completing your project.
Don’t forget to knit first and last stitch as selvage stitches if you want to make a nice-looking edge. Please, note, that chart and written instructions do not include selvage stitches.
You can also work according to the chart.
Here's a simple slip-stitch pattern that will look nice in any knitting project. The best part is this stitch pattern is perfect for using your odds and ends.
Row 1 (right side) Color A: knit all sts
Row 2 (wrong side) Color A: purl all sts
Row 3 (right side) Color B: *knit 1 st, slip 1 stitch knitwise with yarn behind the work*, repeat from * to * as necessary.
Row 4 (wrong side) Color B: *slip 1 stitch purlwise with yarn in front of the work, purl 1 st*, repeat from * to * as necessary.
Repeat rows 1-4 as necessary for completing your project.
You can also work according to the chart.
Happy knitting!
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